Our Values

It is entirely fitting that Kappa Alpha Order established a chapter at The Citadel in 1883. After all, these two unique organizations shared values that had much in common. Among those values:

• Excellence in all things and a constant striving to improve oneself

• An acknowledgment that man is subservient to a Supreme Being

• Patriotism or service to one’s country is an obligation of citizenship



• Respect for others, especially women and children

• Honor, the result of doing the right thing, even when it is not popular or convenient

• Humility, demonstrating a quiet strength of
character with a humble demeanor

It is also fitting that Robert E. Lee is looked upon as the “Spiritual Founder” of Kappa Alpha Order. After all, General Lee epitomizes the values set forth above and his life was one dedicated to living those values. Winston Churchill called Lee, “the noblest American who ever lived.”